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Tyrants & Dictators ; Past and Present

“The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest.., “The will of the public majority should always prevail.” The general (federal) government will tend to monarchy, which will fortify itself from day to day, instead of working its own cure.” “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time..,” It is the manner and spirit of the people which preserves a republic in vigor. Degeneracy in these is a canker, which soon eats the heart of its laws and constitution.
:Thomas Jefferson.

Virtue, morality and religion; this is the armor, and this alone renders us invincible…

Patrick Henry

Our liberty depends on our education, our laws and habits; it is founded on morals and religion…. Fisher Ames

A free people, [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate. Thomas Jefferson, Rights of British America, 1774

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