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The Party of High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Party of high crimes and misdemeanors

The party of treason, sedition, slander, larceny, fraud, and obstruction is the Democratic Party. This is my Belief and Opinion

They are a century old crime syndicate


When you consider Waco, Ruby Ridge, fast and furious, Benghazi and all the criminal acts, this party has gotten away with, just in the present, is a travesty. The democratic parties’ past and present are one of violence, intimidation, fraud, larceny, lie, slander, liable, obstruction and just about any underhanded unscrupulous tactic or scams. Travesty after travesty and scam after scam they undermine the people at every opportunity. Their modus operandi of the past is still used in the present.

Honorable and dishonorable

Trump’s background shows him to be an honorable man yet the democratic parties’ past shows them to be dishonorable and one of the worst criminal organizations that have been in operation for over a century. These evil devils attack Trump and anything that is good. They accuse others of the crimes and atrocities they do on a regular basis, yet they are not held accountable.

Reference to the picture

When you add the century-old past it becomes evident that this organization is crime syndicate that has not been held accountable. This party is like, the rabid dog in this picture, always slobbering at the mouth with lies. This party is the kiss of death to our country as a Republic. It is the Judas party, like the picture of Judas kissing Jesus they are the kiss of death. Their tyrannical evil tactics and scams are reminiscent of Hitler and his Nazis.
The Democratic Party’s Propensity for criminal activities and cover-up is astronomical. These criminal people who want to impeach or put Trump in prison; are the people who should have been impeached and put in prison a long time ago.

Atrocities by this party in the past 32 years or more

Ruby Ridge

This is where a woman and baby were assassinated by an FBI sniper and they say they were after the husband for gun violations. This whole thing stinks of a setup. The FBI sniper had a high powered rifle and high powered scope on it. So he had to know, who or what he was shooting. This tells me they were after the wife all along.

This was also during the Clinton administration. I wonder what she knew that caused her assignation. The excuse was they were after the husband for some kind of gun violation.
Now I wonder how this would tie into the Waco massacre and shootings at schools and churches all have escalated since this party of treason has been trying to take away our rights under the first 10 amendments.


This FBI massacre was also during the Clinton administration, men women and children were slaughtered with the help of the army. During this time several people from the area said they could have picked all of them up in town. It seems they were intending on murder the start with. The liberal news never put out much about this slaughter; it was swept under the carpet.

To this day no one in this country knows much about what happened. I think this is another case of someone being silenced; basically, I think someone knew something about the Clintons or the Democratic Party in general and the massacre was a way shut them up and cover up.

Fast and furious

The Democratic Party and ATF gun running scam under the Obama administration. They were selling guns to Mexican drug cartel members. They claim it was a sting operation. These gun’s ended up killing a border patrol agent and American citizens. This was also, in my opinion, a scam against gun shops and the American people.


This was another gun running scam in my opinion. It resulted in the death of an American ambassador and other American’s. The Democratic Party lied about it from the start and tried to cover it up by blaming a video. Hillary Clinton was one of the main players in the cover-up. After all these deaths; Hillary says what difference does it make?

During this same period and time or under this administration a plane dumps supplies and weaponry in the wrong place and it ended up in the hands of the terrorist. The amazing thing about this was how quickly it was taken off the news media. It was reported once or twice and then it was not heard of again just like Waco.

It was said that the survivors of Benghazi had to buy their own plane tickets back to the U.S. This party would not help them get home or even help them in the time of crises. This, in my opinion, was because they were still trying to cover up their wrongdoings.

FBI Conspiracy and Russian Hoax scam

This has turned out to be a scam by Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party. The only one to this day to have colluded with Russia is the Democratic Party. The uranium deal, where Hillary sold uranium to Russia, and there is an article about Robert Mueller as a courier for uranium to Russia, you have got to wonder if it is the same uranium that Hillary sold them.

There is also collusion by the Democrats with China during the Clinton administrations were they let them have top secret information declassified by Clinton and given to them.

There is also the collusion with Iran by the Obama administration. This is where they got their nuclear capabilities. They were also given billions of dollars by the Obama administration and the Democratic Party.

The conspiracy against Donald Trump will go down in history as the worst conspiracy against anyone ever. This conspiracy not only was against Trump, but it’s against the American people. “WE THE PEOPLE”, PUT TRUMP IN OFFICE AND WHEN THE DEMOCRATS ATTACK HIM THEY ATTACK US.

Kavanagh Frame-up

The sexual harassment scam by the Democratic Party against this man shows just how underhanded these people are, they will set up and frame anyone. They have been trying to setup Trump from the beginning. They are shameless and unscrupulous.

Voter Fraud

The Democratic Party is the king of voter fraud. From the Florida chad scam to recounting votes in elections till they win. This recount scam is how Al Franken got into office it is also how Allen West lost his seat in Congress. Voter fraud by absentee ballot scam to ballot harvesting.

The liberals Illegals voting, to their voting more than one time and in different states or precincts and computer scam that steals votes. Last minute election centers being opened. I do not think Democrats can win an honest election. They claim they won the house back. I believe they stole it back by voter fraud.

Protest, Riots, Violence and Hate speech

I believe all the riots and protest for over the last 32 years have been organized and paid for by Soros and the Democratic Party. Protest like Wall Street occupiers and all the Wall Street problems were caused by democratic policies, media, and politicians.

Then you have the Ferguson Missouri riots and the Zimmermann scandal all made worse by democratic media and politicians. You have Antifa another violent democratic organization. Democrats backed violence and the attacks on conservatives in restaurants or anyone wearing a maga hat. Several Democratic politicians called for this and condoned it like is Maxine Waters. The Democratic Party is the King of hate speech, violence, and treachery of any kind.

They are also the king and queens of hate speech which they blame everyone else for. Some good examples are the two Muslim terrorist women in congress. They spew hate speech all the time and the criminal democrats just call it anti-sematic. The way the Democrats have sanctioned violence and criminal acts over the century I believe makes them a terrorist organization.

The recent scams and frame-ups against Trump and anyone associated with him or backs him prove this.
The real cover-ups, emails, collusion, lies and server, scandals by the Democrats

It seems the email scandals by Hillary and Wasserman Schultz’s is going to be swept under the carpet unless we keep pursuing these issues and we must pursue them. Wasserman Shultz’s scandal is just as bad as or worse than Hilary’s. She had foreign nationals as IT techs for their servers. This means not only did they have access to emails, but they had access to everything on the server. I am sure there was a lot of top secret and confidential information on them.

This was without a doubt a security breach just as bad as Hilary’s emails. Hillary also destroyed a hard drive that I believe would have incriminated her and a lot of other democrats.

Now here is a question to ponder. Is there a copy of that hard drive somewhere or is it still in existence and the one destroyed a double to deceive anyone looking? I actually believe the hard drive is still in existence, that’s how she stays out of jail, I believe she has enough blackmail information on a lot of congresspeople and senators to keep her out of prison.

One thing is for sure she got away with lying and obstructing justice and only democrats get away with this type of crap, anyone else is crucified by them, for the same crimes they get away with.

There are other times the democrats colluded with foreign nations; I believe they have colluded in the past with china and Iran, that being how Iran got their nuclear capability.

Their blatant abuse of power to destroy opposition or opponents

Their blatant abuse of power during the Obama administration
Their lies and scams against Trump. They have proven trump to be an honorable and honest man. They have proven themselves to be the most dishonest, spiteful underhanded, unscrupulous criminal people there is. Their evil knows no bounds.

The scam pulled on Ted Stevens just before he was reelected which resulted in him loosing on account of the democratic scam. And you have the political prisoner Steve Stockman who tried to hold the Obama administration accountable. They impeded his right to a fair and impartial trial. They have also tried to financially break him.

The way the democrats use the law to destroy Sheriff Arapaho for doing his job, upholding the immigration laws.

A summation of my Opinion

You cannot put criminals in a position power they will steal everything you have, just look at what the democrats are doing and have been doing through taxes, taxing everyone into poverty, and Make laws to give them more power and control. This century old crime syndicate has to be stopped and held accountable.

I use this to show the gravity of the situation, if Ruby Ridge, Waco, Benghazi, Fast and Furious and the Russian Hoax scam are any indications of the lengths this crime syndicate will go to attain absolute power and control. I would say it’s time to worry. If they get absolute power and control they will make Adolf Hitler look like a choirboy, when it comes to murder and atrocities.

In my opinion; ruby ridge was murder and so was Waco, Waco was mass murder sponsored by the democrats carried out by the FBI and renegade army people.

The Democratic Party’s tactics are the same as Adolf Hitler’s from his election campaign to become chancellor of Germany and continued even after he won, Riots, Protest, evil scams were Hitler’s ways and now the ways of the Democratic Party.

The true name of this party, gang or syndicate is in my opinion. The American Nazi, socialist, fascist, communist, Muslim terrorist party of America. This party has been a party of terrorist for over a century and gets away with their crimes. It is past time for their accountability.

“Threats and temper tantrums are how Pelosi and the democrats operate. They are the party of treason, sedition, fraud, violence, larceny and obstruction. Their treachery knows no bounds. They accuse others of the criminal crap they do and get away.

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