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THE Deep State, Democrats (PART 2) A Little History

Century old Democratic Atrocities

I believe The Deep State has been around since before the Democratic Party began, always in the shadows. Andrew Jackson was The First Democratic president 1829. This is in my opinion how long the deep state has had a choke hold on this countries politics. Their corruption has lasted from 1829 to the present, and that’s over a century without being held accountable.

Democratic Party founded 1829, first Atrocity, Trail of Tears 1831

Atrocities started at under Andrew Jackson the first Democratic president. One of the first atrocities was the Trail of Tears. This was when Indians, (Native Americans) were moved from their lands to the Oklahoma Territory. Thousand of Native Americans died along the way. Democratic party atrocities have continued to the present. their violence, hate speech, intimidation tactics, bullying, slander and liable are still this parties modus operandi.

The Inconvenient Truth and Facts about the Democratic Party

Democratic Party: defended slavery, started the civil war, apposed reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynching’s  also fought against the civil rights of the 1950’s and 1960’s.

In contrast to the Democratic Party the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an anti- slavery party. The mission of the new party was to stop the spread of slavery into the new western territories, with the aim of abolishing slavery entirely.

The first republican president was Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was president from 1861 to 1865, he was assassinated by a democrat named John Wilkes Booth. 6 days after confederate army surrendered.

Democrats oppose 13th,14th and 15th amendments after civil war

Democrat vice president Andrew Johnson become president and opposes the integration of the newly freed slaves into the south’s economic and social order. Democrats opposed the 13th 14th and 15th amendment.  13th abolished slavery 1865, 14th amendment gave blacks citizenship. 15th amendment gave blacks the right to vote. All three passed by universal republican support.

Democrats behind violence against Black Americans.

From the civil war to the 1960’s the Ku Klux Klan and Dixiecrat’s intimidate, bullied and murdered  black , white republicans, and  Anyone caught helping black Americans would be targeted. The history of the Democratic Party has been one of violence, intimidation, larceny, and murder.

Nothing has changed for over a century, their getting their way, by violence, riots, protest, slander, larceny, and intimidation, Antifa is their modern day version of the KKK. All racist groups black, white and all other’s side with the Democratic Party.

Democrats Obstruct President Trump.

What they are now doing to trump is twofold, 1. They are obstructing everything he tries to do in order to stop any investigation into them and their corrupt party. 2. They are out to steal back power and control, by any means possible to get back in power.

They use bait and switch tactics on a regular basis’s. They are keeping him occupied with defending himself from all their lies and attacks so he can’t go forward to clean out the swamp; which is 90% them and their world order friends like George Soros.

Obstruction is to keep him occupied on defense

They are keeping him on the defensive; he needs to learn to play offensive against them in order to put them on the defensive. So far they have kept the upper hand with their left wing media help. It is past time to find some honest media or real news. I like epoch times it is a new upcoming news organization. Facts are facts the truth is the truth and history tells the real tale. Their history is one of treachery.

Remember Bill and Hillary Clinton first got in the white house the first thing they did was dig in every politicians background in Washington to find dirt they could use against them. they still have dirt that’s why they are not in prison.

Their are a lot more facts and history about this crime syndicate party known as the democrats. Personally i think their name should be changed to the American Nazi party, this name reflects their ideas and values a lot more.

Present day atrocities

The present atrocities they have done in the previous 30 to 40 years are Ruby Ridge, Waco, Fast and furious, Benghazi, Russian hoax, and now the impeachment scam.

Democrat gun control, could be connected to all school and church shootings

I also believe all the shootings at schools, churches and other places should be thoroughly investigated. It was when the criminal democrats started their gun control scam that these shootings escalated all over. its my believe and opinion they are connected to the democrats.

This is to much like how Hitler pulled a lot of his crap. Not one of their gun control laws affects criminals or mentally ill people. they are all against honest American citizens. now they have a red flag law in some states which is a murder scam law that has already cost some people their lives and property.

People of this country should really research the history of the Democratic party. these liberals and liberal organizations like the social medias are not doing in the best interest of the country or people. there interest is in absolute power and control. their history tells the tale.

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