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Term limits for all Politicians

Term limits

Term limits. There should be no more than 4 two-year terms for congressmen. This equates to 4×2=8 years. The terms for senators should be no more than a 3 year term each time elected to senate. A senator can only be elected to senate 3 times. This equates to 3×3=9, president can only be elected for 2 four year terms. 2×4=8 years 2 term limits. Total time in Washington no more than 18 years;

Term limits: as Congressman; that runs for Senate then president!

If a politician completes all their terms as congressman, then runs for the senate. They can do no more than 2 terms as senator, because they were previously a congressman. If this same person runs for president, they can only do one term as president. When you add up all these terms together, for congress, the senate and the presidency your service in the federal government is finished. This is term limits on how long they can be in Washington. They can do no more than 18 years total, as any combination of representative in Washington DC. EXAMPLE: Congressman 8 years + senator 9 years + President 1 years = 18

6 Months in Washington, 6 months in Home State

Also No congressman or senator can stay in Washington year around. They must stay in their state a minimum of 6 months or 1/2 a year. Which gives them 1/2 year or 6 months in Washington or less, and less is better, this type of 1/2 year term will help eliminate a lot of the lobbying of congressman and senators, by special interest and corporations. 6 months in Washington 6 months in their home state. This will keep the people in touch with their representative.

Backroom deals.

This will make criminal backroom deals harder. By not being in Washington all year around.  Six months is  more than enough time to complete any task.  This will make it harder for the criminal elite to operate. The less time they spend in Washington, the better. This will also make it easier for the people, of the states, to keep up with the politician they put in office.

This will work for the states also, with the governor, senators and congressmen.

This is also a good way for states to do, on term limits and to stop monopolizing parties or people from getting control of this country. This is to put the government, local, state and federal Governments back into the hands of WE THE PEOPLE, Where It Belongs.

To all people; about all politicians, when in Doubt, change them out.

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