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What is complacency, definition. Kiss of Death

complacency kəm-plā′sən-sē


  1. A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with an unawareness of danger, trouble, or controversy.
  2. An instance of contented self-satisfaction.
  3. A feeling of contented self-satisfaction, especially when unaware of upcoming trouble.

unaware of upcoming trouble, in this case out right danger. You think you have a red wave and the democrats are busy scamming one of their new scams it the election integrity scam. of using these agencies in all dumb states who use these agencies.

The agencies are: Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) and Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) all controlled by democrats and their allies.

A list of states who are dumb enough to use them.

States that need to drop these 2 organizations. New Jersey and Massachusetts joined ERIC in August. The other ERIC member states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, plus Washington, D.C. more democrat control.

Prof of this is the 2020 election,

there is no doubt in my mind president Trump won by a super landslide, yet they stole the election. what happened to the math in all these states. he is ahead at midnight yet all of a suddenly the scam started. now how many registered voter verses actual votes. i believe there is 2 to 3 times as many votes as registered voters. also there is a lot of supposed voters that don’t exist. as they say, so do they math. so who has done the math, my opinion no one. you had computer scam votes, you had vote harvester scammer. mail in ballot scams. ballot box scams. so now i ask all you red wave fanatics. what are you doing to stop their scamming besides claiming a red wave.

The democrats are always coming up with new scams to steal. and they have their criminal millionaires and billionaires to back them with loads of corrupt money. these millionaires and billionaires make of 95% of all millionaires and billionaires in this country. voter wise i would say they are less than 1% of voters, yet they buy another 20% or a little more voter and scammer to carry out their election steals. now lets look at my opinion of 2020 congress and senate seats democrats occupy. it is my belief and opinion that they stole at least half in senate and congress by election fraud. they are the king of election fraud.

dump your complacency and figure out ways to combat their scams and fraud.

these criminals have to be held accountable, and all their criminal allies who have been involved in these scams held accountable also. in order to do that you have to really dig deep and organize a counter measures to them and catch them in the act and prosecute. make no mistake if you do not take the majority back in both chambers this round, you will not be able to prosecute. than you will never get these criminals out of power and the country is lost to communism, socialism, fascism, Marxism. the democrat party is all those put together plus Nazism, means the destruction of the country and the people in the country.

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