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Profile of a Parties Past & Present

Profile of a Parties Past & Present

 Past and Present Insidious Behavior

We need to put a stop to this parties dirty politics & collateral damaging effects. What happened to fair play and honesty. Today’s politicians only goals seem to be power and control over our nation. They are making a career out of politics, that was not what the founding father’s envisioned.

The beginning of Democratic parties era starts with its first President!

Andrew Jackson was the Democratic Party’s first president! This was the start of the Democratic party.  TRAIL OF TEARS Was the First in a long line of atrocities. Native American Indians were moved off their land to Oklahoma. As a result, Oklahoma would be referred to as Indian Territory. This is the reason why Davey Crockett quit congress and ended up at the Alamo. He was friends with the Indians and did not agree with moving them off their land. This was the start of insidious behavior by the Democratic Party, leading up to the present day problems. most noteworthy, when a party or people get away with insidious behavior it emboldens them.

The civil war Era up till the 1900’s

Moving along in years; next is the civil war era. The democrats started this war. It seems they are trying to start another civil war. The war was over property rights and a few other things, at this time slaves were considered property. Adding to the insidious behavior after this war, they came up with ways to keep the x-slaves from getting ahead and keeping them illiterate.

First Republican President Abraham Lincoln

He was assassinated by someone associated with the Democratic Party. furthermore, It is my belief and opinion that all the assignations and assignation attempts from Lincoln to now, where by people associated with the Democratic Party.

The Democrats was in power 1884 and 1892, when The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred. The date was December 29, 1890, hundredths of unarmed native Americans were killed.

Black and Tan Republicans were Frederick Douglass Republicans
Link were I got information on Black and Tan Republicans http://www.blackpastblog.org/

Black Republican votes were also driven by white terror. Beginning with the founding of the Ku Klux Klan in 1866 and escalating through the late 1860s and 1870s, Southern whites used violence to intimidate black would-be voters which at first helped solidify their allegiance to the GOP. Thousands of black voters were murdered in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. White terrorists also intimidated and ostracized Southern whites who supported the Republican Party. They harassed the children of white Republicans in schools and isolated the wives of prominent white Republicans in churches and social clubs. On many occasions direct violence, usually reserved for African American Republican voters, was used on white Party activists as well.

Why Black American Joined the Democratic Party

The violence and intimidation of black and white voters, often called the “shotgun policy” or the “Mississippi Plan,” destroyed the effectiveness of the Republican Party in most areas of the South as an alternative to one-party (Democratic) rule. Whites left the GOP and rejoined the Democrats or quit politics. Blacks who continued to vote did so at the risk of being killed.

Remaining White Republicans.

White Republicans who remained in the Party were increasingly convinced that they could survive politically only by removing black GOP officeholders and leaders and in some instances by jettisoning black voters altogether. These Republicans, known as the “Lilly Whites,” fought the Black and Tan Republicans for control of the Party. They remained warring factions until the 1930s when African Americans deserted the GOP to support the policies and administration of Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Democratic party id not working out for Black Americans either.

Republican party shows a little backbone

The Republican Party has remained spineless up until now; with president Trump, it seems to be growing a backbone. Time for all Americans, Native American, black, Asian, white, and Hispanic to come together and vote these Treacherous democrats, rino’s and good old boys, out of office and hold them accountable.

Democrats are up to old tricks they used in the 1860’s and 1870’s in present day politics

The democrats are up to old tricks of using and abusing, all Americans to push their agenda. They push racism. And their main goal is still power and control over everyone. They do not care about the country or people.

Tactics used from civil war to 1900’s now being used in the present

The tactics used in the 1860’s and 1870’s are in full force again you can tell that by the restaurant harassing, harassing in general, harassing families of opposite party, the lies, setups, intimidating, bullying, their obstructionist attitudes, lying, violent tactics against anyone with opposing views or political ideas, everyone who disagrees with them is a target.

Insidious Behavior of the Present

Waco and Ruby Ridge happened while the Clinton’s were in office. The first thing the Clinton’s did when they got in office was to check into every congressman and senators background to see how much dirt they could find in order to manipulate them. Hence the swamp gets bigger!

Then in Obama’s era that followed years later

He added to the establishment or to the swamp. This party is rarely ever held accountable. It’s past time to hold them accountable for their nefarious actions. The rino’s, gold old boys, and democrats are all part of the establishment. We need to eliminate dirty politics and bring in an era of fair play and honesty.

Democratic parties bad policies and atrocities

  • We have the Democratic Party to thank for immigration policies that brought South American murderous gangs like M-13 into this country and Muslim terrorists.
  • Remember Ruby Ridge: a women and baby shot by FBI sniper.
  • Waco: FBI with help of army massacres men, women and children. We the people still have not seen the reason why this happened; it needs to be investigated further.
  • FBI: has had a bad rep ever since its inception under J Edgar Hoover. and it’s not getting any better when you see the present conspiracy.
  • The Recent FBI election conspiracy: the removal of some of the top FBI people, from office. This is all a conspiracy.
  • Mueller Democrat Russian scam: Still they are ongoing when it has already proven Trump innocent.
  • Mueller’s Democrat Russian scam: is believed by some, to be a cover up for, Hillary Clinton’s, and Wassermann Shultz’s email scandals, the uranium deal and collusion with Russia and several other foreign countries all being covered up. I think it is time to shut the FBI down and put a better investigative agency in its place. this should be the main rule or policy, if any investigator shows: bias prejudice for or against any party, group, race or religion, they should be fired on the spot.
  •  Fast and Furious: the gun running scam. has cost lives
  • Benghazi: which was another arms scandal, Remember what Hillary said about the people who died in Benghazi, she said what difference does it make, this shows what democrats think of all of us. To democrats we are all expendable.
  • The Kavanagh: sexual abuse smear.

Who controls the Democratic Party and FBI?

It seems the democrats own the FBI and Soro’s and the world Order seem to own the democrats. And he wants gun control, Hitler did gun control and he slaughtered millions. And they say as a teenager, Soro’s was a Nazi sympathizer. This all adds up to a scary future

Media and Propaganda

Hitler also controlled the media in his country and put out his propaganda. Now look at the control Soro’s and the democrats have over our media, which we now refer to as fake news. This is the same type of propaganda that Hitler used to ruin opponents, and rise to power.

It is time WE THE PEOPLE to put a stop, to their insidious behavior. What they have done to other’s they most certainly will do to us!

Voting in the this election

Vote for anyone but a democrat, rino’s, or good old boys, try libertarian, constitutionalist or even independents, only republicans that have a backbone, no spineless wimps, anyone who is honest or fair and their background should prove what they stand for. No Lilly whites as the black and tan republicans’, use to say about the spineless white republicans. I think we should try to vote for fair people. if you vote for a democrat, let’s make sure it is someone who is fair. what I have recently seen, does not show fair play or honesty.

From what I have read in the past and present, Democrats are the king of voter fraud

They steal by recounting, computer tampering, illegal’s votes, to steal close elections. This impression and thought, comes from different news articles I have read. It’s my belief and opinion, that it has some precedence.

  • If you are not a liberal, do not vote early by computer; vote in person at your polling place. You vote by computer and your vote can be stolen or eliminated.
  • We also need ice agents at all polling places to pick up illegals trying to vote.
  • Time to catch people voting for the dead, and people who vote in more than one state.
  •  All absentee ballots need to be checked; this is one of the newest ways democrats are scamming the elections. Absentee ballots are for deployed military personnel or people working outside the country.

It is Time to keep these types of people and parties out of power, we need to investigate all their insidious behavior, for the last 30 years. We especially need to investigate; the email scandals and collusion by the democratic party, to see how much damage was done to this country. They have a lot to atone for.

The social media it seems is 90% liberal and bias

Social media is in the democratic parties pocket, they have monopolize the web. They are YouTube, twitter, Facebook and google are in on the silencing of anyone opposed to the democrats.

I do believe this is against our first amendment rights of freedom of speech and I believe we can be considered the press when we write. We are communicating just like a newspaper or media outlet. The only difference is it’s not congress trying to silence us but a public entity and a political party. I also believe we can put this infringement of our rights in court.

Amendment 1
– Freedom of Religion, Speech, and the Press
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

Amendment 7
– Rights in Civil Cases
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law.


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