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POLITICS: Government & Companies!

POLITICS: Government & Companies! A Backstabbing Cutthroat Decorum!

The different types of syndromes, the lies, and Treachery of these types of people who use politics. they have backstabbing cutthroat traits that contribute to the evolution of undesirable partisan superiors, which causes the destruction of self-motivated employee, supervisor or officials that causes deterioration’s in governments and companies.


this describe politics and politicians: the lie before the lie, the lie after the lie, the lie within the lie, the lie added to the lie, the lie multiplied by the lie, the lie divided by the lie, the lie subtracted from the lie, the lie on top of a lie, the lie on the bottom of the lie. The lie to try to cover up a lie!  Politics is always a lie. Liberty is always affected by politics.

Pints & politics

The easiest way to cover up the lie after a lot of drinks is to say I don’t remember.  This is the easiest way to lie? I was drunk, don’t remember. Politicians are like people who drink, they have short memories.

Traits of politics or politicians

Traits of politics or politicians (people who practice politics): the practice of lying. This is the Backstabbing Cutthroat Decorum in action Known as politics.

Good old boy Syndrome! The buddies, buddies, neighbor, friend kinsfolk Syndrome!  The, I do not like him Syndrome! The political suck-up Syndrome! The boss hires, who his boss says to hire. Syndromes are literally incompetence people promoted. The difference of opinion syndrome! These Are all company and government hiring and promoting Syndrome’s! liberty, productivity, fair-play, ethics, morals, and integrity all suffer because of these syndromes.

Fair-play honesty, ethics, morals, integrity, skills, knowledge, and experience about a job or situation, are completely useless. The syndromes take over or have their own precedents every-time.

Do companies hire the best-qualified applicant?

Do companies hire the best-qualified applicant? in my experience, the answer is no. one of their excuses is: I don’t think you would be a good fit? Why would they say this, because they look for people, who will go along, to get along? Not for objective types who could be helpful by an input. They feel threaten by objective people.  First impressions are another if they like or dislike. They seem to prefer syndromes. they claim to be equal opportunity employer’s, yet they are not equal opportunity. they are biased in the hiring practices.


Alienation: not one of the crowd or group, an outsider. These are all Politics in its merciless forms. They will bring an outsider in if they fill threaten; if you are not one of their group, you will get fewer opportunities.

Why are companies losing out to competitors and governments becoming overbearing and power and control freaks? The answer is Because of these syndromes types of people. It is hard to bring about fair play. Incompetent People are always embedded deep in Companies and Government. It is hard to combat this type of politics When we have no say in what matters. The policies are made up by the syndromes, owners, CEO or government politicians.  Most government politicians are syndromes.

The results of the Backstabbing Cutthroat Decorum, Known as politics.

Lazy people are unproductive and dangerous. Usually, lazy people’s end up as a syndrome type person and survives off of the productive people; These people hold back Productive people from promoting, bettering themselves, monetarily and otherwise.

These People are inconsiderate, selfish, arrogant, overbearing, self-centered, sneaky and underhanded. They are not pro-active and have no initiative. they think they know everything and are full of self-importance; they like to show their power. It is usually the power of the position they hold and are above everyone else.

Straw Boss

A straw boss mentality seems to be what the whole country is turning into. One leader is worth a million straw-bosses. A leader is usually a person that knows the ins and outs of the job with experience knowledge and skills that will make all endeavors profitable or better managed for the organization, company or government.

Lesser Skilled people vs Skilled

People of lesser skills keep other others in the dark. The people with lesser skills fear the abilities of skilled people. They want the money and position, yet they don’t want to earn them. These people will do whatever it takes to get the positions, back-stab, setup, character assassinate, run down, change things a knowledgeable person says or use in a derogatory manner! Those types, purposely lead them in a conversation, to get them to say something usable about other employees or supervisors. they use this to benefit themselves by telling on the other employee. They belittle them in any way, to put them in constant bad light, To put themselves in a good light.

These are my observations I have concluded by events and experiences. This is a lifetime of beliefs and opinions put into this article. if I remember other things I will add them to this article.

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