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Perceptions, Trust and Paranoia, that causes Undue Stress.

The Burger Flipping Investigators, the Suicide Person, the Venting Person!

The Burger Flipping Investigators

This is what caused an employee’s perceptions, trust and paranoia. This Is a question to the Burger flipping investigators. why are they going along with this setup. Furthermore, do these unscrupulous people know what venting is? What do you consider as a toxic workplace or hostile workplace, made hostile by turning others against a single person! Or one person’s continual act, over time against another.

To accuse someone of work place violence is slander, liable and character assignation. likewise, This is the way companies bully and intimidate employees. Their accusation of workplace violence is their witch hunt vindication.

Hostile work Environment

This shows a very crooked hostile work environment. It is a shame these investigators cannot take responsibility for their actions. An employee believes, the actions of this companies investigators led to the suicide of this employee in an indirect way. also, when another employee told these investigators, he held the company responsible. The company terminated him, This x-employee, they now accuse of work place violence. This is what causes employees perceptions, trust and paranoia of a company.

The Burger flipping investigators, is reference, to the investigator that said go flip burgers at McDonnell’s for 15 dollars, an hour. In contrast, Flipping burger for 15 dollars and hour would be a raise. McDonnell’s nor any other fast food burger place pays 15 dollars an hour, so are they truly good, at what you do. This exclamation by their leader would suggest otherwise. It seems he likes making up things rather than telling the truth.

Witch Hunt.

The witch hunt Starts! A Friend commits suicide, a hard thing to take. So, Friday Feb 2nd 2018 is the day of the suicide. The company held a meeting and told co-workers about suicide. consequently, The soon to be x-employee vents and leaves the room, saying I got to get out of here, a fireman follows to talk. As a result, The X-employees come back to room and vents again. this clearly shows he thinks the companies is responsible.

The weekend for venter is rough, because he tries to figure out why. Venter comes to conclusion something at the work place cause this person to commit suicide. Something triggered this person. Venter without thinking tell investigators; company to blame, basically vents thoughts, investigator were evidently investigating suicide person. This starts the witch hunt on venter, Also known now as the x-employee. On Feb 5th 2018 the following Monday the crooked investigators and HR person accuse employee of work place violence. this is in retaliation of him telling them he held them responsible.

Unscrupulous People cause Undue Stress!

People antics are a demeaning, frustrating, type of undue stress. This will cause one to alienate themselves from these people, as much as possible. A person will do this to minimize the possibility of setups or frame-ups. What started this travesty, a person committed suicide. An Employee said they held the company responsible. That is when the company started the accusation of work place violence. A employee does not go from good employee of six years, to a bad one in six months or less.

This is not a violent person.  Proof is in the pudding as they say. Hurt is what venter is. At a loss because of circumstances that are unfortunately beyond venter’s control. Venter has always held hope of fair play.

Trust or respect are issues all companies and people have. For companies or people to keep the trust and respect of employees or others they must be fair.  Reaction in the spur of the moment, in times of distress and hurt does not define anyone. When a person is under any type of duress what they say is never well thought out.

Yet capitalization by unscrupulous people seems to be inevitable. Stress and Anxiety has also causes health problems, the undue stress caused by this company and people, caused this person health problems. The problems are anxiety and ulcers, caused by the undue stress and the last six months of painful travesties. This in turn caused him to have a outlandish hospital bills.

 A company considered people or just an Entity of Entities?

An HR Perception: a company is the people; some companies are the people. And some are an entity within entities.
A company that is the people definition, in some opinion is: people are content, company runs smooth, very few job openings, company does good, good moral. Good leadership, a team environment, there’s no back stabbing or cut throating or micro-managing in this type of environment. People do their jobs without undue stress and are basically happy.

This is a description of a company that is an Entities within and Entity: you have: Hierarchy, cliques, bullies, micro-managers, discontent people, and bad moral, make no mistake there is always some good people in these types of companies. This company has massive employee turnover, and there is always a reason for this. And if you were able to ask these employees that quit why, it is highly likely, that the answer would not be favorable to this company.

A company that is the people

a company that is the people is a company that is fair to all. everyone is general happy. people do there share of the work. they help each other. Promotions go by the most skilled and qualified and most all employees know who that is. everyone has the chance to work there way up in the company. this is done by achievements, skills, knowledge and experience.

Investigation to discredit and destroy.

There is an ongoing investigation, to destroy venter, by trying to make a nonviolent person, look like a violent one. most noteworthy,Winston Churchill said; “(a lie will go half way around the world before the truth can get its pants on)”. What he did not say is; lies can stick forever.

This is a toxic, hostile environment. Laziness and undermining acts towards others makes undue stress and is a type of hostility toward others. The things one will put up with, to hold a job. Holding a job under these conditions, is stressing. Venter has had six years of stress and undue-stress.

The last six months, to a year have been the worst for unfair underhanded tactics. This company based on what venter has endured and seen, is his opinion of an Entity within Entity. This is a travesty.

What is a toxic hostile work environment?

A toxic workplace is a workplace that is marked by significant drama and infighting, where personal battles often harm productivity. … Quite similarly, Harder et al. (2014) define a toxic work environment as an environment that negatively impacts the viability of an organization.

Urban Dictionary: Venting

If we are not allowed to vent, we end up bottling up our emotions which is detrimental to the human psyche and can end up suffering from its side effects. Such as Ulcers, depression, high blood pressure, anxiety migraines, fatigue. The list goes on and on.
Venting definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Venting definition: the act of venting or expressing emotion

 Violence in the workplace.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) a department of the United States Department of Labor defines workplace violence as “any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site.
What are the three criteria for evaluating behaviors of concern? When people go into a crisis state, it affects the way they think, feel, and behave. Stress is cumulative and the road to violence is a progressive one. That is why frequency, duration, and intensity are all critical criteria when evaluating Behaviors of Concern. This does not fit venter. There was no crisis state. Just corrupt peoples actions.

Let’s add one: undue stress

undue stress, over a long period of time caused by persons or person you have to interact with. Use undue: in a sentence. Adjective. The definition of undue is something extreme, or inappropriate. An example of undue is a stressful situation that doesn’t need to be stressful; undue stress. An example of undue is giving someone a hard time when they make a decision; undue criticism.

Mental anguish

Mental anguish; generally, “mental anguish” translates to certain types of suffering that may include distress, anxiety, fright, depression, grief, or trauma. This can be cause by others.

PS: I screen all comments; I can show them or delete them.
Company’s catch all policies; can actually be a threat to people when used wrong.


PS: future article: unscrupulous XXX, AN X-Employee’s Story! names time forth coming.

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