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Obama’s statement about guns and what he did. Plus what I believe the end game is.

Also significant was Obama’s troublesome statement made during his campaign, as follows. We cannot continue to rely only on our military; we’ve got to have a civilian security force just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.  We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set.

Obama gave every agency in Washington guns and ammunition. Over a billion dollars’ worth and some of the ammunition was hollow point bullets, this is ammunition that is not allowed in any war, yet democrats have given it out to these agencies to use against us. During this same time Hillary Clinton was accusing the opposite party of trying to make a police state. If you listen to what democrats accuse others of doing you will learn what their real plans and ideas are.

Washington DC is a federal police state owned by the Democratic Party. The agencies or bureaucracies are the swamp or establishment. I doubt anyone working in these agencies belongs to any other party, i believe they are all democrats. Controlled and monitored by this corrupt party.

When Clinton first got into office the first thing they did id dig into everyone’s background in Washington looking for dirt or any type of misdeed or corruption. They must of found a lot because this was the start of the Washington take over and the reason why Hillary is not in prison where she belongs. The corruption or dirt runs deep and she has a lot on everyone in Washington DC and all elsewhere.

Then when Obama was elected it took it to a whole new level of corruption and control. What he said above was part of the democrat takeover. He was the first president to weaponize all agencies in Washington DC. The start with it was the DOJ, and IRS. He used the IRS to attack tea party groups and anyone who disagreed with him and the democrats. The democrat party under Obama was pushing to take the whole country over. They wanted absolute power and control over everyone in the United States. That is why they hated Trump for winning; they wanted Hillary to finish off what they had started.

Now we got The Biden corrupt administration. He has been very blatant about everything he has done; anyone who can’t figure out what’s going on now is blind. He dropped the economy off a cliff by shutting down every President Trump did, which had the economy on a rise and doing great. The Clinton’s, Obama’s, and Biden’s administrations have shown everyone in this country what the democrat party is all about.

They shut down oil production and pipe line, and started promoting green energy which is a scam. You saw that when Texas had a bad snow and ice storm which shut down there in-efficient wind generators. Another thing about oil Fuel made from oil is only about a third or fourth of what is made from crude oil. The crooked democrats fail to tell people of the poly-carbons used to make water pipe and things they get that helps make computer parts. Green energy and their global warming are all scams. They fail to mention the science that shows this planet has been warming up and cooling down over the millenniums or for an easier term the ages.

There lie about oil and their shutting down refineries and pipe lines has made fuel prices crazy high. This has affected everything. Now food prices have gone up and they have caused a food shortage. They have made it so farmers can’t get fertilizer for crops and rancher cannot feed their cattle. It is my belief this was all done on purpose to bankrupt us and starve us, that’s why they stopped oil production in this country, to take this county over. This is always the end game of socialist, fascist, communist, Marxist people. As they say do the math. I always ask why no one did the math on the 2020 election; register voter’s verses all votes. I believe there is more votes than registered voters.


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