Liberals show their True Colors
This is the liberals true colors, they have been doing and showing, for a long time. no one noticed, now we all noticed, (WE THE PEOPLE) HAVE NOTICED AND SPOKEN, GET used TO IT, WE ARE TIRED OF LIBERAL BIAS; From media bias to women lib, political to every racist liberal type person in the country.
Is this supposed to be their way of protesting?
Look at the riots, vandalism, intimidation tactics, slander, larceny, violent demonstrations, attacks on people who do not go along or say what they want. None of what they do can be considered a peaceful protest, all are a violent protest.
Pointing the finger at other’s is their way
How can anyone say they are peaceful after all their, violence, prejudice, races baiting, hate mongering, rioting, vandalizing, intimidating, looting, communist, socialist, fascist behavior. they claim this is what their oppositions do, I have seen no evidence to back their claims up, it seems the reverse is true.
all the recent and past events say otherwise. This shows their true colors. The truth, facts, recent and past history, tells the tale, Believe it or not.
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