Ground Zero right now is Washington dictator democrats lying and going after Trump with these made up scam charges. Charges that when applied to democrats would most certainly put them in prison for life or on the gallows for treason. The democrat crime syndicate is on the move to put this country under their totalitarian rule.
Ground Zero right now also is Arizona election scam. Where is the media or news coverage of the so-called conservative media. They are absent and turning a blind eye to all of Kari Lake’s lawsuits, which should be a top story. SHE NEEDS TO PUSH FOR GRAND JURY
Where is the coverage of the corrupt judges, politicians and sheriff of Maricopa County. Where is the so-called investigative journalist. Let’s examine Treason, sedition, larceny, conspiracy and fraud. Definition of treason. See how many of these crooks fit the descriptions.
trea·son ˈtrē-zᵊn
1: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family
2: the betrayal of a trust : treachery The betrayal of someone’s trust or confidence
In order to have real justice let indite criminal lawyer’s like Marc Ellis
who use the law to bankrupt or ruin opponents. Real Justice means putting corrupt judges, lawyers, prosecutors, and any law enforcement or politician on trial for TREASON, SEDITION, LARCENY, FRAUD, AND RACKETEERING for THEIR Crimes against We The People or people who do not agree with them. We need to put all of them in front of a Grand Jury by we the people as THE jurors. PROSECUTE WITH GRAND JURY.
IN ORDER TO HAVE REAL JUSTICE, WE HAVE TO START AT THE TOP AND HOLD THESE ABOVE THE LAW PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE LAW. Let start with pushing for indictments to prosecute crooked judges, lawyer and politicians involved in Arizona election scam; This is my belief and opinion. IN ORDER TO HAVE TRUE JUSTICE, WE MUST PROSECUTE THESE CRIMINAL JUDGES, POLITICIANS AND THEIR ALLIES.
Let’s make Arizona ground zero to start the process.
JUDGES: Superior Court Judge Tim Ryan, 
U.S. District Judge John J. Tuchi, 
Maricopa Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson,
Mohave County Superior Court Judge Lee Jantzen. 
Why do they refer to judges as honorable; I don’t find any of them to fit the word honorable
I do not believe any of these judges to be honest and have any integrity. My belief and opinion is they’re all political activist. They do not go by evidence or laws of the state and no I do not believe they are honest or have any integrity. Trial by GRAND JURY for them.
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Arizona Court of Appeals Division 1 is located at 1501 W. Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Their phone number is (602) 452-6700.
There can be no Justice without being able to hold judges accountable; PROSECUTE, PROSECUTE, PROSECUTE; GRAND-JURY, GRAND-JURY, No trials by judges. Only jury trials or Grand juries, for we the people. Judges are too corrupt in my opinion | |
Chief Judge | Kent E. Cattani |
Vice Chief Judge | David B. Gass |
Judge | Cynthia J. Bailey |
Judge | Michael J. Brown |
Judge | Jennifer B. Campbell |
Judge | Michael S. Catlett |
Judge | Maria Elena Cruz |
Judge | Anni Hill Foster |
Judge | Brian Y. Furuya |
Judge | Randall M. Howe |
Judge | Daniel J. Kiley |
Judge | Paul J. McMurdie |
Judge | James B. Morse Jr. |
Judge | Angela K. Paton |
Judge | Jennifer M. Perkins |
Judge | Peter B. Swann |
Judge | Samuel Anderson Thumma |
Judge | David D. Weinzweig |
Judge | D. Steven Williams |
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