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Honesty and Fair Play. Do They Exist?

Honesty and Fair Play, Do They Exist?

The longer the political charade plays out the more lies and deceit they employ. where is the honesty and fair play in this midterm election. are these terms fairy tales or pipe dreams, do they really exist. Watching this political circus play out on the midterm elections, does seem to say they are none existent.

The social media’s Giants, have gotten in on the dishonesty , they are coming up with scams to sway the election. There is no honesty or fair play in this election. These companies should stay out of politics. Their employees should stay out of politics while on the job. What they do off work, on their time is their business.

They say Facebook wipes out over 900 pages with the majority being conservative.
Now twitter pulls this stunt

this is a photo copy of a person who they banned and what they said he did. This politically motivated, yes for sure!

As you can read this person has been permanently suspended from twitter. Unfortunately their rules and policies change on a daily basis to suit their (the social medias views or party preferences). And they do have a big impact on everything including elections and they know that. I read this and see what he wrote and what they wrote and you have to come to the conclusion this is politically motivated on their part. Where is the honesty and fair play in this.

Question about  `1st amendment rights.

Now I ask this question, does this not go against all the people, who these social media giants have suppressed `1st amendment rights. this is freedom of speech, suppressed. This is the power of the press, being suppressed. I would say when people write on any social media platform, giving their views of opinions, they are the press.

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