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Holding Geo Accountable, Looking for Justice.

This Is My Pen of Justice


Geo is a foreign-born company that manages prisons in the United States. This is dangerous to all citizens and employees.  The micro-managing style of training for supervisors and the time spent on teaching new supervisors how to build the character of this company by inflating the company image and hiding its faults. The way GEO supervisors downplay employee turnover rate.

The number of employee suicides that have occurred in less than 5 years, averaging about 1 employee a year. There is also Employee intimidation, bullying, cliques, promotion scams, and hostile work environment. I base all of my observations on the underhanded crap pulled on me and others. 

Turnover, Suicide’s, Undue Stress

The people who are associated with the turnover rate and suicides should be investigated. You cannot micromanage and have a good organization. Companies like this one have cliques, bullies, instigators, backstabbers, cutthroat, and a hostile work environment. This causes a lot of undue stress. Unfortunately the good employees are overwhelmed by the sorry ones.

Financial Penny Pinching 

 Their financial penny pinching is so bad it is hard for the maintenance people to even keep the facility up. When you put in a purchase requests it takes months to get the parts or materials. And sometimes you have to submit the purchase request more than once.

I worked at the Arizona State prison In Golden Valley 20 miles outside of Kingman Arizona for 6 years. This is part of my saga which chronicles this prison, maintenance, general upkeep and security and the unscrupulous behavior of Geo’s managerial staffs incompetence.

My focus is on the facility and the 3 main irresponsible incompetent supervisors that cause all my problems. My focus will also be on relevant events and travesties. There is also the employees who were part of the promotion scam that made it a hostile workplace.

Suicide Victim

My problems with this unscrupulous company started Oct, Nov 2017. The first problem was a promotion scam which I protested; this put me on their bad side. Then on February 2nd a fellow employee and friend committed suicide. This hit me like a ton of bricks especially since I knew about problems he was having with this company.

Friday, February 2nd, 2018 at the end of the day all us people who had worked with him were held over and met in the conference room.  When we all were in the conference room, that’s when we were told Tony committed suicide.

Tony was the manager of the company’s wastewater treatment plant. He was also around the 4th person to commit suicide who worked for this company. It is Past time to investigate the irresponsible company and hold it accountable.

Belief and Opinion

This shows a problem with this company known as GEO. A couple of months after Tony there would be another suicide victim. It is my belief and opinion that this irresponsible incompetent company is contributing to the suicides by its Micro-management style.

I also believe this company needs to be fully investigated. I believe it should have its wastewater facility investigated by ADEQ and OSHA. The hostile work environment I  was working in plus the promotion scam showed this company to be the worst company in the world to work for and the most dangerous. Fair play does not exist with GEO.

Reasons for Investigation

I believe the wastewater facility is inadequate and an environmental hazard. It is also a safety hazard. The past safety problems have been with its Chlorine gas. Before Tony committed suicide, twice within a 4 month period 2 different workers were taken to the hospital for chlorine exposure. Chlorine gas takes away oxygen and can burn the lungs. I believe this and the way this company treated Tony contributed to his committing suicide.

All the suicides that happened at this prison should be investigated. I also believe the LT Gordonaire, Lt King and all their subordinates have a lot to answer for. When there are 4 to 5 suicides in less than 5 years, there is defiantly a problem. I also believe the HR head person Eli Johnston is connected to them. Let’s also add Warden Wrigley in with them, I believe he is irresponsible and incompetent. It is my belief and opinion this should be investigated.

A little background on Tony

Somewhere around 20 years more or less earlier

Tony was almost electrocuted when he tripped in an electrical vault and fell into high voltage. When you consider all the pain and agony he went through and all the operations, you have to wonder what would push him over the edge. There are times I wonder if it was suicide. If it was suicide what happened that pushed him into suicide when he survived electrocution.  Now let’s add the 4 or 5 other suicide victims into the equation and this says there is a definite problem at this facility. Another question is do they have suicides like this at all their facilities.

Promotion Scan; turns into Hostile Workplace 

The promotion scam was the start of my problems with this unscrupulous crooked company. A position came open for electrical instructor. I put in for it and another person put in for it. I had 6 years with the prison he had 3. I had background in electrical he had none.

 He was friends with all the so called instructors and they had given him this position before I was even interviewed. Than they interviewed me, it was a scam. I protested and then the hostile work environment I was working in became a thousand times more hostile.

 The most amazing thing I learned about this clique was this. The person terminated from the electrical position seems to have been terminated to make room for their buddy, than I came along and I was an unexpected ringer.

Here is some more information I learned. They claim to have terminated the other instructor because he did not know much about electrical and they claimed he pencil whipped paperwork.

Here is some information about their buddy whom they wanted to take his place. He had no electrical background and he also liked to pencil whip paperwork. So this shows how they put the screws to the previous electrical instructor for their buddy.

Because I dared to protest this scam he and all his friends made the workplace hostile and dangerous for me and anyone working with me. I let my immediate supervisor know about this, it never got any better, just worse.

Then you had Tony’s suicide which I still hold this company and its people responsible that’s when the major retaliation began. This is a very threating dangerous place and I am out to let anyone looking for employment know what they are up against if they go to work for this company.

What does GEO have to offer, This is my Opinion

They have an unfair hostile work environment and crappy benefits. Holiday pay and sick leave is put all in one and called paid time off or (PTO) and on this I had 168 hrs. that I more than earned. They stole it all by their policy scam.

Between cliques bullies, scams and micro-managers this place has nothing to offer anyone except undue stress and health problems. They caused me health problems. I base all this on what they did to me and others. When you add that they tried to financially ruin me. The slander of workplace violence, which was retaliation against me, because I told them I hold them responsible for Tony’s suicide.

I now think they are complicit to all the suicides which are up to 5 or 6 now. I say again this outfit needs investigating. You have to wonder also if all the other places they manage in this country have this kind of suicide rate.

When you put all the underhanded crap they pulled on me together. This type of company crap could push other people over the edge to commit suicide. That is why I will never let this go, I will push for justice for all the injustice they have done to others and myself. In all the time I worked at that prison I had no write-ups or reprimands, just the scam, and retaliation because I dared to stand up for what I thought was right.

In this day and time honesty and standing up for what is right or you believe in, will cause you more problems than being an unscrupulous company, politician or criminal.

You can find out more about the things I went through on my website I have several articles pertaining to this same company. My website is https://www.liberty-verses-politics.com  when you get to the site scroll down below the politics part is the company part. There will be several stories on GEO


PS: This is ongoing, I will post and re-post till I see justice. I will also add any new information or stories by others. I will post monthly or weekly, whenever I am in the mood. I might even put articles in the Newspapers, county, state, and countrywide. How do you deal with unscrupulous people and companies, Try Pen Justice, the power of the pen? BETTER TO STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS RIGHT THAN TO ADD TO THE PROBLEM BY BEING SILENT.

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