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Conservative news or media outlets, are they really conservative?

Arizona scam election and how there is no coverage by media, not even conservative media is covering this, which leads me to believe they are left wing liberal media’s are using conservatives for rating like fox news, which uses conservative commentators to keep its ratings up. this is my opinion and belief. without conservative commentators; i believe fox new would go bankrupt, which needs to happen.

All commentators who are conservative need to leave fox news, yet that want happen, on account of their big salaries, which shows their greed. They are all talk or as the saying goes, all show and no go.

Look at how the crooked left keeps telling their lies for months on end on their shows. left wing extremist media or news goes by the saying if you tell a lie long enough everyone will believe it and it works. now some people are actually seeing the lies for what they are.

Where are the so called investigative journalist, do they exist. if so , why are they not going to maricopa county to question all the bad actors of the maricopa scam election. with all these bad actors and corrupt companies like dominion, and third party vote counter company, there are multiple stories. must be a lot of chicken Heart journalist and conservative media companies.

Conservative media or news is to scared or dumb, because they do not keep up with the scams happening to conservatives, makes you wonder why. look at maricopa county scamming the election in Arizona. look at all the corruption Hobbs and allies have done, no coverage by conservative so called journalist. At first there was a little coverage, now there is none and the case is on going.

Are news organization like fox really conservative news or media or just left wing hacks using conservatives to keep ratings up. what is their problem, what good are they.

Why is it the left wing liberal media keeps their lies going for months and years While conservative media cannot keep facts or the truth going for even a month.

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