What party throughout history has a firm hatred of the truth, facts and their own history? ANSWER: Democrat
Plus, I will add pictures I made over the years that show what I think their characters are. They say pictures are worth a thousand words.

What party stole Indian (Native Americans) lands under their first president and sent them to Oklahoma territory, in them days to become known as the Indian territory?
Answer: first democrat president, Andrew Jackson; cold-blooded democrats at work.
What party started the civil war?
Answer: Democrat
What party was considered the party of slavery?
Answer: Democrat

What party is the party of the KKK?
Answer: cold-blooded Democrat
What party has been the most violent from the civil war to present day?
Answer: Democrat party again; they attacked and murder x slaves and anyone who helped them. The democrat party has had their fingers in every atrocity from their first president to the present. Their TREASON, violence, sedition, larceny fraud and racketeering continues.

What party in the present is guilty of the Waco massacre of men, women and children. With help from their cold-blooded assassins known as the FBI. The same party that used its cold-blooded assassins to kill a man’s family on Ruby Ridge?
ANSWER: The Democrat party with their gestapo SS storm trooping murdering FBI.
What are some of their present day atrocities, that they are involved in, In the last 5 or 6 decades?
ANSWER: Human trafficking, child trafficking, child mutation, aborting babies during all pregnancies up to last month of pregnancy. Fentanyl drug trafficking, poison vaccines, covid vaccines mandates. Waco massacre, or murder of a man’s family on Ruby Ridge by the cold-blooded gestapo SS storm trooping FBI.
ITS MY BELIEF AND OPINION that the democrats are in bed with the drug cartels. WHY ELSE WOULD THEY OPEN THE BORDERS. Why did they push Joe Arpaio out of office to install their democrat criminal sheriff? When Joe Arapio was doing his job by arresting criminals from both sides of the border.

Cold-blooded people of the DEMOCRAT party STACK LIES UP LIKE CORD WOOD, try finding a piece in the stack that is not a lie. Their follower remind me of zombies, they don’t think, they just follow blindly. I’m glad I’m an independent, because they can’t lay their party crap on me.
Democrats helped bring covid to the United States by protesting trumps who was stopping flight from infected countries like China and others by stopping them from coming to U.S.

Vaccine caused deaths., mandated poison vaccines.
Democrats are responsible for all the criminals coming across the boulder.
They are literally responsible for all crime in this country because of their policies. Democrats have more than doubled the crime rate do to their policies, which believe is done on purpose.
They were responsible for riots in Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon. They backed terror organizations like black lies (lives) matter, and Antifa. Called their riots protest instead of what they were (riots).

They make martyrs of black criminals to push their agenda, and they use black people.
Why is it liberals media and politicians do not like the movie sound of freedom, there can be only one answer in my opinion is they are all dirty and are involved in human trafficking, child trafficking, drug trafficking and all other kinds of racketeering. They tell on themselves by are their blabbering and actions.

I remember years ago the organization called acorn which was also a democratic organization, that was involved in prostitution, then they changed their name and split into several different organizations.
Liberal political Criminals get away with crimes and go after honest people to cover up their crimes and silence honest people by censorship on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Also, search engines like Google are censorship organizations.
Criminal policies and their ramifications.(per their usual modus operandi)

Parents get emotional and confrontational when “woke” (read: inappropriate) instruction is given to their children. Policy of democrats. Cold-blooded democrat policy at work again.
Federal police agencies investigating unruly parents at school board meetings is government overreach at its Biden-era scam to bully parents and push liberal agenda in schools with woke policy’s
democrats open border and cause deadly import of human trafficking, child trafficking, terrorism, drug trafficking like fentanyl through the border and by mail or other ways to move drugs into the country.
Trump diplomacy vis-à-vis China successfully curtailed the mail route, but Biden-era traffickers found an alternative path by shipping precursor chemicals to clandestine labs in Mexico and then smuggling the finished product through a porous southern border.

Book bans and cancel culture tearing down of statues are anathema to free speech and history.
Challenging overtly age-inappropriate materials in the children’s section of a library is always the right thing to do. (When and where did crossing this line become acceptable?) this line was crossed by cold-blooded democrat sick policies.
Extraordinarily high bail for non-violent offenders discriminates against the poor. Plus, letting violent criminals out of jail, is unconscionable.
Extending cashless bail to violent criminals has placed far too many recidivist felons back on the street.
The Department of Justice is integral to the rule of law. Yet under Merrick Garland it is the department of injustice. The DOJ has become the strong arm of criminals who seem to be above the law. Criminal political extremist have taken over the justice system in this country. They are called left wing democrats woke democrats or cancel culture democrats, and even black lies (lives) matter, and antifa are democrat entities.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s allegation that criticism of the Justice Department is an “attack on democracy” (we are not a democracy; we are a democratic republic.) is way off base. No federal agency is immune from criticism ever, because we still have three co-equal branches of government. Yet, Merrick Garland is a criminal who uses his position to attack all opposition. He is a criminal that needs to be prosecuted for treason, sedition, larceny, fraud and racketeering. That is my opinion and belief, he is cold-blooded in ever since of the word.

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