Holding Geo Accountable, Looking for Justice.
This Is My Pen of Justice Summary Geo is a foreign-born company that manages prisons in the United States. This is dangerous to all citizens...
This Is My Pen of Justice Summary Geo is a foreign-born company that manages prisons in the United States. This is dangerous to all citizens...
Arizona State Prison Complex Golden Valley First Hired by, MTC, then GEO took over Interviewed with (MTC) aka Management Training Corporation Feb. 2012; I was...
Unscrupulous People & Companies: Employee (applicant) How does an Employee who has been employed for six years at a company ran institution go from a...
Unscrupulous People & Company: Suicide Second chain of events; all events go from most recent to past ones. Did these unscrupulous people & company contribute...
What are attributes of employee suicides? How many work places do you know that have had 3 to 4 employees commit suicide in less than...
Job Discrimination in the U.S, by who you know instead of what your know. Fair play, integrity, morals, ethic and honesty in local, state, federal...
Do companies care about good employees or skilled ones? My Thoughts are companies do not care about good employees, they use them up or...
The Burger Flipping Investigators, the Suicide Person, the Venting Person! The Burger Flipping Investigators This is what caused an employee’s perceptions, trust and paranoia. This...
IS The Ice Age of Employment Returning! The Ice Age of Employment is Returning, from when the industrial revolution began? A company’s decadent ways, with...
Characteristics of the Worst Companies to work for! The Characteristics that make companies; a bad work environment and hostile workplace! This is also a Summation...
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