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Black Lives Matter & is this an Oxymoron Group

Black Lives Matter & is this an Oxymoron group

Is it not amazing these people call themselves Black Lives Matter, when blacks kill more blacks than all the other races put together, in fact I believe it is close to 3/4 more killed by blacks according to statistic the last time I saw statistics, I am not sure if it has changed any.

Yet, the most amazing part is, that the only time black lives matter, to blacks, seems to be when they can gain something by it. look at the Ferguson Missouri thug, they used his death as a reason to riot, vandalize, pillage, and destroy anything and everything.

look at the Zimmerman deal where they showed a picture of a young well dressed, clean-cut looking black boy. They did not show the picture of a teenager with a hoodie or what was under the hoodie, which in my opinion and belief was a person probably on dope. leaving out critical details is how the criminal media and racist groups operate to distort the truth.This definitely come under modus-operandi.

they yell racism and they are the biggest racist in the world. there is not much difference in them and the KKK, same goes with the black panthers and all Aryan brotherhood gangs. it seems black lives matter to all other races except blacks, what an oxymoron organization of criminals. the only different that white racist terrorist  and black racist terrorist is the color and that is the only difference.

so the bottom line is this:, if black lives matter, how come black lives don’t matter to blacks! they kill each other more than all the other races put together, it seems black lives matter to all the other races, just not to blacks.

a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous,seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to makehaste slowly.”.
a combination of words that have opposite or very different meanings
 The phrase “cruel kindness” is an oxymoron.
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