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Arizona’s Election: Scenarios On Electioneering


Scenario of how, Katie Hobbs and Adrian Fontis pulled off election fraud on the people of Arizona. The Big Scam! do i believe there was election fraud? absolutely. This is just one scenario.

Scenario: They had to know, when all counties votes, would probably get to their Maricopa scam center.

 What would they need to prolong vote counting from one day to a week or more? So they could claim they did not have all the precincts in yet. Do I think all precincts were in on election night? Absolutely!

While they would need at least 1/3 to half of all precincts in so they could see numbers, now put these numbers on a computer and start figuring out where you need to insert or tweak votes.

They needed to be able to see were they could tweak results and know how much they had to tweak Maricopa county’s votes in their favor plus other democrat areas in their favor, mostly big city like Tucson, Phoenix and Yuma.

Lets look at how many voters in each party in Arizona, who has the most in this state. Republicans have more voters in the state than democrats, there are more independents voters than republicans, and also there are libertarians. This shows that democrats would need a lot of independent and libertarian votes.

Now with the economy the way it is, high fuel, groceries prices, there is no way I will ever believe there are that many stupid idiot people who would vote for more of the same. Especially voters that are not democrat voters.

Setting up the machines so they could manipulate results by tabulating problems, causing people not to vote or be turned away, or making their vote nonexistence by their drawer #3 on tabulating machine were it would have to be hand counted and tabulated, this would be one of the major ways to steal votes or nullify actual votes, absentee ballot scamming. they also mixed votes from drawer 3 and tabulated votes on some machines when they retrieved ballots from the machine.

Let’s not forget conflict of interest of the main crook Katie Hobbs is overseeing this election place and has her people in place.

 Also has the presence of who could be a intimidating person in the tabulating center, like a crooked democrat sheriff. This sheriff would also be in on the voting fraud.

 The longer you draw this process out the more you can cheat.

 Let us now remember how the votes were said to have come into this voting center from all over Arizona, and how the count was up and down, Different batches and some being split.

 Also the biggest part of the scam was barely keeping Katie Hobbs ahead the whole time; this was the most suspicious of all.

Also when Bill Gates came out to tell people they were having problems with the machines smiling like the Cheshire cat.. This was the first suspicious indication they were fixing the election in their favor; other than when Katie Hobbs did not campaigning much or even debating.

This is the same thing basement Biden did when the 2020 election was stolen. Suspicious activity usually means a crime or corruption of some kind.

It is my belief and opinion that they stole Arizona elections in lots ways. There is no way any democrat won in Arizona.

 They disenfranchised, demoralized, turned away voters, from voting centers and scammed Arizona voters. In fact over a thousand people were not able to vote because of the scam.

 The fact that a democrat judge would not extend elections so these people could vote multiplies the problem.

Judges, prosecutors, lawyers or attorneys of any type that are democrats are criminals. You can’t trust democrats at all. This is my belief and opinion. this is just one possible scenario, their are lots more scenario, you can use to cheat, given the week long counting process.


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