Arizona election was treason, sedition, larceny and fraud committed by Katie Hobbs and Associates. They are all cheaters, and bad actors in this scam, we want accountability and prosecution for all crimes against WE THE PEOPLE OF ARIZONA. that includes all judges and law enforcement people involved in this treachery.
Make no mistake Arizona is ground zero for all people in the United States. A fight for all our rights and freedoms under the constitution A FIGHT AGAINST NAZI STYLE TYRANNY, Socialism, fascism, Marxism, Communism And Dictators of the Democrat party.
i am adding my comments to these definitions to point out problems in this election with pictures of people i believe to be main culprits below definitions; with my commentary and my beliefs opinions.
- The betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country or state, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.
- The betrayal of someone’s trust or confidence.—(election centers supervisors and machines not working is the betrayal of trust. also people having to use scam door drop box on machine.)—
- A betraying; treachery; breach of faith.––(this is were people have lost faith in elections, seem hard to get an honest election in Arizona, especially in maricopa county.)
- : the betrayal of a trust : treachery— (the whole maricopa county election was treachery. or treacherous. treacherous acts by judges, lawyers, county and state officials) These are my beliefs and opinion based on all that happened in maricopa county.
- Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.
- Insurrection; rebellion.
- A factious commotion in a state; the stirring up of such a commotion; incitement of discontent— —this caused–(long lines in polling centers voters not being able to vote.)–– against government and disturbance of public tranquility,–this caused– ( disturbance by inactive voters not being able to vote because of lack of staff training, also having to put in provisional ballots instead of regular ballots because machine malfunctions, plus the voter 3 ballot drawer on machines.)– as by inflammatory speeches or writings, or acts—-(this is the malfunction machines and voters disenfranchised by ballots not excepted and voter told to try other site not being checked out from first site people who told them to go to other site..) or language tending to breach of public order: as, to stir up a sedition; a speech or pamphlet, abounding in sedition.— (Katie Hobbs election pamphlet she put out.)
- Archaic. rebellious disorder.––(disorder caused by long lines and machine malfunction.)––
- The unlawful taking and removing of another personal property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner; theft.-––( i believe all ballots to be the property of the voter because it shows voters intent.-ballots being misappropriated is larceny, in active voters not being able to vote is also in my opinion larceny, also the unlawful misuse of these ballots to me is larceny )–
- In law, the wrongful or fraudulent taking and carrying away, by any person and from any place, of the mere personal goods of another, with a felonious intent to convert them to the taker’s own use, and make them his own property, without the consent of the owner; theft. —(i believe this covers the 3rd party ballot counter i read about, there was felonious intent in the way this election was ran period)
The unlawful taking and carrying away of things personal with intent to deprive the right owner of the same; theft. Cf. embezzlement. IN THIS CASE OUR VOTE.
: deceit, trickery it is my belief and opinion that the tabulation machines were purposely sabotaged because there over 60% had problems election day. and the fact that the turn was mostly suppose to be republicans and independents.
specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right.—the truth was constantly perverted to cover the election fraud in my opinion. the lie that bill gates kept putting out all during the tabulation machine malfunction plus the fact him and the rest of the board turned a deaf ear to public outcry and people at board meeting telling about all the travesties that happened. ELECTION FRAUD IN THIS ELECTION PRE-PLANNED AND PREMEDITATED IN MY OPINION.
: an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : trick They deceived and disenfranchised over 200 thousand voters in maricopa county; thereby disenfranchising all the voters in Arizona.
: a person who is not what he or she pretends to be is a : impostor.— Katie Hobbs is a fraud and imposter she is not what she pretends to be.
also : one who defrauds : cheat —Katie Hobbs and associates have defrauded everyone in Arizona that’s my opinion.
: one that is not what it seems or is represented to be:—- Katie Hobbs claims to be for the people yet she is for herself and tyrannical political ambitions. she her allies and party always plan to win no matter what the cost.
Active voter Inactive voter scam
active voters transferred to inactive voters list and are systematically disenfranchised. workers in maricopa county not trained to allow inactive voter to vote, They end up in drawer 3 or as provisional ballots which are not counted. what a scam! they claim drawer 3 counted. he who controls the count controls the outcome.
bias prejudiced poll workers, supervisors, judges, election supervisor Bill Gates who is also on county board and county recorder Stephen Richer. All play major parts in the election fraud or steal.
Bill gates

Stephen Richer Maricopa Recorder

have PAC against Kari lake before and during election making it very bias and corrupt. In fact their PAC was against anyone endorsed by Trump.
machines over 60% not working on election day, not a coincidence, sabotaged in my opinion on purpose to change election in favor of Hobbs and associates. Associate being Mark Kelly, Adrian Fontis, Kris Mayes a complete scam election.
they told voters to go to another polling site, yet purposely not sign them out, by the one they left, and they cannot vote. except by provisional ballot which is not counted.
prolong vote counting from one day to a week or more so they could tweak results
Hobbs did not campaign or debate; This shows the fix was in.
manipulate results by tabulating problems, they who count the votes control the votes control the outcome especially since there was no one to observe, who was not an Allie of Hobbs. Talking about her allies see them below. She has many alliances. She helped scam elections for these people also. this is my belief and opinion. these are the people who won elections by her electioneering or election fraud.
Secretary Governor: Katie Hobbs (D)

U.S. Senator: Mark Kelly (D)

of State: Adrian Fontes (D)

Attorney General: Kris Mayes (D)

U.S. Representative, District 7: Raul Grijalva (D)

in my opinion; Hobbs also guilty of election interference on more than one occasion including past elections like the 2020 election.

Katie Hobbs’ Office Threatened to Arrest County Board member, shows she is a tyrant and bully, she will do anything to get in political positions of power. This is my belief and opinion of this dictator woman.
Katie Hobbs, used the power of the AZ SOS to collude w/ Twitter to unconstitutionally violate 1st Amendment rights of Americans for her own political gain.
How many voters, in each party, in Arizona,
more independents voters than republicans,
more republicans than democrats
more democrats than libertarians
put independents with republicans and libertarians IT shows discrepancies by numbers alone.
add the fact the democrat party is responsible for inflation in this country and mass immigration, high fuel prices and grocery prices. they also responsible for poison vaccines, mandates and brought covid to this country, they protested trump when he was stopping flights from badly covid infected countries.
There is no way these democrats won any election here in Arizona. number’s alone show big problem.
Allies, Associates and Employees.
Now add corrupt judges, who are political activist or political hacks. like Judge Tim Ryan. John J. Tuchi

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Tim Ryan rejected arguments that voters were denied their right to cast ballots because of glitches with equipment at 30% of voting centers. Now over 60% of centers. Judge rejected Republican request to extend voting in Maricopa County, thereby disenfranchised voters. what he has done in my opinion is treasonous & criminally corrupt by all meaning of the words.
Plus we have watched criminal democrat judges in Georgia open early voting to try and scam for warnoke.if they are a democrat judge in my opinion they are a political hack.
U.S. District Judge John J. Tuchi rubbished the lawsuit in August — again, before the midterms — and on Thursday ascertained that sanctions were appropriate. against Kari lakes attorney’s. Tuchi, a Barack Obama appointee. literately used his position to attack Kari lakes attorney’s, sanctions were not appropriate but scandalous. this is politics by opposing party, his party, not justice or law. his being on the bench make it a bully pulpit. called lawsuit frivolous which it was not, he is frivolous in my opinion and is rubbish. This was to punish opponents of his party for daring to stand up to the scam. this is the same crap these criminals keep pulling on Trump.
Timothy J. Ryan is a judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court in Arizona. He assumed office in 2005. His current term ends on January 6, 2025.
Ryan ran for re-election for judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court in Arizona. He won in the retention election on November 3, 2020.
Ryan was appointed to the court by Gov. Janet Napolitano (D) in September 2005.[1
]This is the judge that disenfranchised voter and did not extend time to vote so people in line could vote. we need to get him in front of a grand jury and prosecute him for election interference. and treason, sedition fraud larceny and racketeering. THIS IS MY BELIEF AND OPINION.
add another corrupt judge, who is political activist or political hack. this is my belief and opinion of this man. what he has done in my opinion is treasonous & criminally corrupt by all meaning of the words.
![]() Bill Gates | ![]() Clint Hickman | ![]() Jack sellers | ![]() Thomas Gavin | ![]() Steven Gallardo |
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Board Of Supervisors Maricopa County
The maricopa county board of criminals which Bill Gates is a part of, He was a major player in the election scam. This is why the multitude of people who testified and gave evidences, were turn a deaf ear to. corruption like this has not happened since the 2020 election which bring the question will we ever have honest elections in Arizona; will these criminals get away with their crimes. These uni-party people were a attack on our state and country. they have set a bad precedent. their sole purpose was to go against everyone, Donald Trump and we the people endorsed. This was their crooked corrupt referendum against all of us, they don’t believe in fair play, honesty and integrity, of which they have none. we the people must fully investigate and prosecute all of them in a court of law. but call for a grand jury of, WE THE PEOPLE. REMEMBER THESE CRIMINALS AND LETS KEEP THEIR PICTURES ON BLAST FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES TO GET JUSTICE.
Now lets add the picture of a corrupt Maricopa sheriff Paul Penzone, of maricopa county The election fraud enforcer, this is my belief and opinion of him.

Add this sheriff to the mix and you really get a bad setup. who was put in place by Soro’s and Obama. the one who replaced sheriff Joe Arpaio after they scammed him out of office, with their lies. This is the person who would not allow conservative journalist to observe election and would not let anyone other than the scam people in. i watched a video of him at the election place, by his remarks i got the impression he was a Threatening and intimidating bully over seeing the sham election. THIS IS ELECTION INTERFERENCE.
corrupt Arizona supreme court judges, my belief and opinion OF THEM AND I BELIEVE WE NEED TO PUT ALL OF THEM IN FRONT OF A GRAND JURY BY WE THE PEOPLE OF ARIZONA
Supreme court of Arizona judges
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