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America’s Century Old Trojan Horse

America’s Century Old Trojan Horse

Corruption is our Trojan horse! When did political corruption start? It started just after we declared our independence. Once the constitution was in place, the parties fight for power begins. George Washington would see this during his presidency! He would also be the only president that was unaffiliated. In his farewell address he would point out the travesties of parties.

Party Changes

Some People would say Jefferson and Madison started the Democratic Party, this would be wrong. They started the Democratic – Republican Party. Andrew Jackson would be the first Democratic Party president. The democratic Republican Party would split again. Some of these people would become democrats, others would join the Whigs. The Whigs party would become The Republican Party. Abraham Lincoln would be the first Republican president. What George Washington though about parties has been proven right. His farewell address to the nation would explain his thoughts.

The start of Americas Trojan Horse

The century old Trojan horse would begin under Andrew Jackson. Why call them the Trojan horse is this, they are a hidden evil, to all the citizens of this country. The sayings beware of Greeks bearing gifts started with the Trojan horse and the evil that lied within, which was the invading Greek army. The Democratic Party is like the Greeks with their gifts of socialist ideology. People need to learn nothing is free. Everything has its price. With the democrats, the price is your freedom.

With our political parties of today the Trojan horse is more prevalent. The Democratic Party is the Trojan horse, which is also called, the liberals or progressives. George Washington idea about parties in his farewell address was right, it is happening now.

Atrocities Start

First of the Trojan horse atrocities was after Jackson was elected president.  The first atrocity by this party was the trail of tears. They deposed Indians of their land and sent them to the Oklahoma territory Also, known as Indian Territory. Davy Crockett was a congressman, when Jackson was president!  Davy Crockett had friends that were Indians. This is why I believe he quit congress and ended up at the Alamo.

Civil War

The next atrocity would be the civil war. The Democratic Party started this war and believed it or not they fought under the rebel flag. In this day and time they want to get rid of the flag and civil war monuments. They use black Americans to help get rid of the flag as insulted or offended by these historical symbols. I wonder if this is their way of getting rid of their past, this is part of history so future generations know what happened and don’t repeat it. They were the slave owners of the south.

This is why I call them the Trojan horse, this party is, The malevolence we face now and have faced it for over a century. The civil war was the next biggest atrocity. The only good thing that came from the civil war was freedom for the slaves. That was a good thing for black Americans’. The war itself was an American tragedy, because of all the ruin and destruction.

Civil war to Roosevelt’s new deal

From the end of the civil war up until Franklin Roosevelt took office black Americans’ would be ostracized and vilified. By the KKK which started in the 1865 and black American that belonged to the republican’s party would be constantly attacked. It would be a reign of terror that would last into the next century. This would go on even against white republicans to the point many would leave the party. The rest would turn against the black republicans to try and oust them from the party. Under Roosevelt’s new deal the majority of black Americans would join the Democratic Party.

The KKK was part of the Democratic Party of the south. Some would call the southern democrats, the Dixiecrats. They always have ways to hide their malevolence ways. Throughout the century the only thing that has changed is their tactics. It seems all this time the Republican Party has been intimidated, bullied into following the lead of this criminal entity. There is no underhanded tactic or malevolence the democrats will not do. Republican Party backbone ended with the civil war. It would be years before they would show backbone again.

Modern day Trojan Horse

This Trojan horse has been in operation for a century. They are in my opinion a crime syndicate that has a long history of malevolence! The present voters’ fraud by these people is rampant. I have come to the conclusion that this party cannot win an honest election. In the recent midterm elections they just got back control of the House of Representatives, they say they won it back, I say they stole it back. The proof is shown in Florida, Georgia, California and Arizona. The tactics are close to the same. Absentee ballots, illegal votes, and so-called emergency voting places opened at the last minute. And a new type of scam started in California called ballot harvesting.

Malevolent propaganda of the last 20+ years

• The Wall Street occupier scandal, backed by democrats. Wall-Street problems were also, caused by democrats.
• Democrats push for gun control; they propagandize bad situations using the media, causing a 100% rise in gun violence against schools, churches and other gathering places. This is reminiscent of Hitler tactics to get guns.
• Democratic Party overlooking of, draft dodging sex offender Bill Clinton!
• Democratic Party immigration policies that brought murderous gangs like M-13 into this country and Muslim terrorists
• Mueller Democrat Russian collusion scam: Still they are ongoing when it has already proven Trump innocent.
• Cover up for, Hillary Clinton’s, and Wassermann Schultz’s email scandals and destroying of hard drive.
• Hillary’s uranium one deal, collusion with Russia
• Fast and Furious: the gun running scam
• Benghazi: which was another arms scandal, remember what Hillary said about the people who died in Benghazi, she said, what difference, does it make!
• The Kavanagh: sexual abuse smear.
• Voter fraud: by absentee ballot, illegal votes, computer tampering, recounting to steal close elections, emergency voting stations open at the last minute, ballot harvesting where they can pick up only ballots they want and leave others behind, Or throw them away
• Obstructionist tactics against other parties!
• Ferguson, Missouri riots; democrats pushing racism and causing riots to push their agenda
• Democrats are Bias against Christians, the flag and Americans. They sell us out to foreign entities, for absolute power and control over us.
• Antifa violence: another democratic socialist fascist spawned group.
• The democrats paid protesters, paid by Soro’s organizations

• Ruby Ridge: a woman and baby shot by FBI sniper.
• Waco: FBI and army massacres men, women and children.
• FBI election conspiracy: the removal of some of the top FBI people, from office, connected to Clinton Campaign, conspiring against Trump campaign.
• FBI invades whistleblower’s house and search it, he turned documents over on the Clinton foundation, looks like the FBI trying to get rid of evidence for Democratic Party. Raid uncalled-for, His attorney looking into reason for search warrant.
Liberal social media’s like twitter, Facebook, google, YouTube and now apple executive on board, to silencing American citizens who disagree with them or democrats.


The Trojan horse with the Greeks inside sacked Troy. The American Trojan horse with the parasites known as leftist media and politicians are sacking the United States.
Liberals and liberty are opposites; liberals are for and are socialist, fascist, communist, Nazi Marxist and this is the way they’re thinking, liberty is freedom, you lose it, to these types of people, and you will never get it back.
These parties are more for the party and not the country or people.

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